2019 Musana West Campus "Come and See"

April 02, 2019 to April 10, 2019
West Campus is taking a “Come and See” trip to Uganda to visit our partner Musana.

West Campus is taking a team to Iganga, Uganda to visit our partner Musana. This trip is open to all campuses;however, preference will be given to those who regularly attend West Campus.The purpose of the "Come and See" trip is for team members to have a solid overview of the history and current work of Musana with the hope that they will return home as advocates for the ministry. The trip is less about "providing" or "doing" something for Musana and more about understanding who they are, celebrating their good works, and exploring ways to continue to befriend our Ugandan friends from afar. Adam Berry, West’s Campus Pastor, will lead this trip. For more information about Musana check out their website: www.musana.org
E-mail missions@flatironschurch.com with any questions.